Thursday, 3 September 2009

Wartime reminiscences like dreams from the past.

Today is the 70th aniversary of the start of the Second World War for Britain. One of the most momentous periods in the last century, for both good and ill; which changed world politics, countries, economics, and the balance of power regarding which countries were military super powers.

Funnily enough, my Dad was talking to me a couple of days ago, about the Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin's declaration of War speech on the radio, and how he remembered at the time, hearing it in his sister's dress making shop!

With thanks to the BBC website for the Neville Chamberlin picture.

He said that it all seems like a dream now, but still has vivid memories of that time.
Soon after, he volunteered to be an ARP messenger runner and air raid lookout at the beginning of the 'Phoney War' period - the quiet spell prior to the German air attacks on Britain.
There were plenty more memories after he joined the army later on, but that's another story!!!

My Dad's conclusion to it all, was that have we and the politicians learned anything from it? They are still making the same mistakes, wars are still being fought for no really good valid reasons, and innocent people still get hurt or killed. Politicians are too ready to send young men, and now women these days to war, and don't use diplomacy properly.
Just look at the current legacy of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East in general - It's nothing to be proud about.

Finally I asked him, "Could you imagine back then what it would be like today - 70 years on?"
He replied, " I couldn't have dreamed what it's like now. But we are no happier today, despite having everything."
"Despite the War, and having much less and a simpler life, I think we were far happier back then...."

It's a funny old world isn't it?!

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