It's all in the name - Criminal. The state automatically assumes that you're a criminal adult around children, unless proved otherwise!

As a volunteer myself, who occasionally comes in contact with children on Open days; If I was forced to undergo a CRB check to continue on volunteering, I would quit straight away out of principle, and for the cost to the charitable organisation that would have to carry out the CRB check.
All over Britain, it would most probably lead to the collapse of volunteers doing voluntary work out of principle, or because of the fees charged for the criminal checks.
Could this be New Labour's equivalent of the 'Dangerous Dogs Act'? Which brought the previous Conservative government so much ridicule! Rapidly followed by the 'Identity Card Act' for 'naff' legislation and law making! They must have spent too much time reading '1984' by George Orwell, and seeing if they can make it happen in real life!
Possibly a symptom of too much Labour political 'Whipping' of back bench MP's, to get the ill judged legislation through the house (forcing Member's of Parliament through veiled threats and bribes, to tow the party political line). I knew (political) S&M deviant practices would creep back into the blog again sometime!!!
Now would you allow 'plastic politicians', with their 'plastic' smiles and 'clammy' handshakes, hang around schools and children during the 'Hustings' - without a CRB check? According to the letter of the 'flawed' law, all MP's should have a CRB check as well, especially since a lot of their political decisions and daft new laws appear criminal!!!
So to appear politically unbiased, here's a few examples:
A rather apt and unfortunate picture for New Labour taken by the press! Of the 'Great Dictator Gordon' back to school - he needs it to re-learn what 'Boom and Bust' really means in economics!
Also lecturing the pupils on how he has improved on history, regarding state control and being 'Brother Number 1!'
Or New Conservative, new plastic tailor's dummy look for David Cameron! More like a dodgy back street car salesman, trying to peddle dubious political policies, (with sawdust in the gearbox) to unsuspecting children!
And not forgetting.... Er. What's his name? That other one of the Liberal Democrats.... Had to do a 'Google' to remember his name! Ahh... It's Nick Clegg - the quiet one!
I can just imagine the conversation: "Mummy told me not to speak to strange politicians!"
Some people would say, "Good idea this CRB check, get all those 'pervs' and 'child abusers' onto a data base and monitor them". Just one minor point, is from independent government research, the majority of child abusers exist in families and friends of the children being abused!
The main reason why a tiny minority of people, in jobs that are involved with children carry out child abuse; is that from the 1970's onwards with politically inspired budget cuts, people working with children and vulnerable people, have been treated as unimportant to society, in low pay, poor promotion prospect jobs, which tend to attract the wrong people for the wrong reasons.
And lax reference checks have been carried out, due to desperation at times to fill unattractive vacant job posts.
Now what crazy half baked politically inspired legislation will be coming along next?!
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