Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Kilmorey Mausoleum & the August Bank Holiday....

Another day has flown past, and it's a nice bright morning for a change, as I type this. As you get older, the days seem to fly past, and it appears to get quicker the older you get!

Yesterday was the typical gloomy Bank Holiday, which the U.K. (in most places!) is famous for. Ideal for setting up this blog on the computer, then catching some sun in the late afternoon, when it felt almost like a belated summers day.

Normally I would have been doing my bit of voluntary work yesterday at the Kilmorey Mausoleum at Twickenham, but since it was a Bank Holiday, we usually decide to take a day off.
I got drawn into this volunteering, purely by chance a couple of years ago when doing some photography, and one Monday noticed a rarely seen sign on the black wooden entry door. The Kilmorey Mausoleum is a historical building on a local wild life site, and is maintained and run purely by volunteers, and for my sins, I became one of them!

It provides a local educational venue for schools and groups of children and adults, and has two open days to the public, with one coming along soon in September.

Here's a nice moody looking autumnal view of the Mausoleum tomb building!

The site is still regarded as a burial site, but the grounds are now managed to encourage local wildlife and plants.

A late summer view with the Field Scabious being lit by the sun.

We also have a website, and you can visit it at:

So that's one of the ways I keep fit during the week, doing some work at the Kilmorey Mausoleum grounds. It's a lot cheaper than gym membership, and can be just as strenuous at times!

I also cycle there, when It's not raining too heavily; and cycling is another of my interests, using bikes I have salvaged and rebuilt from scrap. The last bike ride was on Saturday to Old Isleworth (the remnants of) by The London Apprentice and the River Thames, whilst there was still a bit of sun. It was a hard cycle back in places, with the gusting winds picking up, dark clouds building up overhead, and steadily riding uphill for most of the way. I was glad to get home and give my legs a rest!

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