Friday, 11 September 2009

Taking things for granted.

All right! I know that I'm starting to write recent entries, as if I'm turning into a bit of a 'David Attenborough' - with hushed almost reverential tones describing wildlife! I promise to stop!
I suppose I'm more like a 'Rolf Harris' type regarding wildlife, without the beard and 'dodgy' singing and hit record singles! I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not?!! 

Anyway, back to what I was going to say.... We can be very complacent these days, and take things for granted, such as water supplies; and I was reminded about that fact, by driving past a major emergency repair to a local water main yesterday. It was a large repair effort just about finished, and explains why I had virtually no water pressure and running hot water at my house for one day last week.
I've experienced it a few times before in the past, and just have to get the trickle of water from the tap to eventually fill the electric kettle up, to provide me with some hot water to have a wash in the morning. It's just a bit of an inconvenience for me, but I'm reminded that a lot of people around the world have to make do with this, or less, every day for their washing and drinking purposes.

One typical observation though, is that when you haven't got much water to use in the basin, that's always when you find out that the plastic sink plug just doesn't quite fit properly, leading to the water leaking away faster than expected! So you really have to rush things with the wash! 
At least it stops you from spending too long in the bathroom!

The only thing that gets to me, is that we pay more and more water charges each year to private companies, for less water pressure, quality and service (apart from emergency repairs). I wonder if that's true free market economics at work? that the Conservative government introduced, when their policies created private water company 'monopolies' many years ago!
It makes you think!.......

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