Friday, 4 September 2009

Stand up Comedians and deliver!

This should be read with the song of Adam & The Ants playing in the background - it's going around in my head as I type this!
I was listening to the radio last night whilst cooking, and heard a comedy programme with four stand up (so-called) comedians from the Edinburgh Festival. I don't know, to me they sounded like second rate comedians with scripts written by third rate script writers! I listened to the complete show, amazed by the fact that there was nothing funny to laugh at! Maybe that was the ironic concept idea of the show, and it was way above me?!!
As usual, at least one of the stand up comedians has to resort to woeful strumming of their guitar; singing a supposed comic song, because they have run out of jokes or the typical dire ironic stories to tell.

Arrgh!!!! It's so cringe making to listen to, that it makes me want to gnaw the leg off an Okapi...(sorry that's a metaphorical protected species!) Anyway, you get the idea of the usual comedy stereotype acts that stand up comedians resort to.
Oh yes,  with thanks to Douglas Adams for the Okapi idea; a man who's writing and scripts were funny most of the time, and 'took the mick' out of 'worthy' science fiction in his day!
Back in the late 1970's, I remember stand up comedians when they first appeared - they weren't that funny back then, and it's about time they were put to rest now, with their tired political stance and ironic so-called jokes.... R.I.P.

Now what happened to "That was the day that was" series of shows? That was a very slick and 'bitingly' funny political satire series all recorded live on stage - must dust it off if I can find it in the comedy graveyard, take it down to the lab and put the 'electrodes' on it, flicking the switch; seeing if it comes to life again. Well, that's what most T.V. schedulers have to resort to eventually!

At least my meal was tasty - unlike the stand up comedy....

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