Thursday, 24 September 2009

No Brain? No Brainer! Dislikes and likes of this week!

This American term of 'No brainer' has come back to 'haunt' us again on the airwaves! Used now by the supposedly well educated media journalists, and now some respected financial commentators and economists; it's another bad grammar and meaningless supposed English expression, 'coined' on the other side of the Atlantic.

I suppose that it must sound fashionable and up to date, for some un-informed people?

I think that it's meant to mean, 'It's clear', 'It's obvious', or 'perfectly / plainly clear or obvious'. Or even a 'simple decision' or 'simple choice'. All these expressions make sense in the context that they are used - 'No brainer' doesn't in proper English!

'No brainer' gives the impression that you have no brain! Or even one brain cell remaining maybe, to see that it's a stupid expression; and if you have no brain, medically you're dead!!! 
That's the logical conclusion of it all.....

I'm sure that Americans, and people that use the expression without thinking will disagree!

Changing the subject completely.......
The main thing I liked this week, was this tune I heard on a Channel 4 trailer for the T.V. programme 'Cutting Edge'. I have heard it before, but made the effort to track it down. It's a haunting sounding Indie rock track called Allies by the Blue States, and I like it a lot at the moment. In fact it's quite brilliant!!! Thanks to Channel 4 for bringing it to my attention.

Some might find the video disturbing, but somehow appeals to my dark sense of irony! And it sums up perfectly (in an American context) about the boring work routine for most people in modern office life and the futility of it, and the slender thread of life. Also how how some random choices and events can affect which slender thread of life that you take.
Fortunately, I took the first choice!
That's enough of my deep? thoughts for now! 

Hope you enjoy the tune and find the video thought provoking.....

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