Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Plumbing Pleasure - or the depths?

Just to let the curious know, that the washing machine cold water isolation valve replacement went successfully today without flooding the kitchen! For a change, it's been one of those days where everything goes all right, and without any problems. They do occur sometimes! Thanks to Wickes the DIY store for having the valve in stock, though the only down side is that you have to purchase a pack of two; even though only one replacement is required.
That's another peculiarity of life today, that you seem to have to purchase replacement things in pairs? for of course double the cost! I think I did remember a time in the past, when you could purchase hardware items singly, but that sales idea seems to be lost in the past now?

Anyway, the main thing is that the job is done now, and didn't take too long to do, and with a minimal amount of water leaking out when the isolation valve was fitted. So 'washing machine heaven' has been restored!

The first chapter of B.A. or my life? is coming soon....... so watch this space - it must be better than watching DIY paint dry? I hope!!!!

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