Thursday, 3 September 2009

Pet dislikes for today!

I heard the term 'Staycation' today, yet again on the radio! The use of it has been 'creeping' in over the past couple of months; a lazy word used by even lazier journalists! Another ugly and meaningless 'Americanese' expression (I'm almost getting as bad as them using made up jargon!) - if you break the word down into it's parts.
It could easily be replaced by 'Staying at home' or  'Holiday in England' or whatever part of Britain you wish to spend your time in.  

Another bad and potentially meaningless expression is 'Clear blue water', used by just as lazy political journalists, and will most probably make it's unwanted return soon, when the 'Beleaguered' Brown has to announce a general election, most probably by next spring onwards.
Apparently it's meant to mean large political or policy differences. And don't get me started on 'Real terms spending' and economics!

There, that's my rant over, and I'm feeling a lot better now! Must be therapeutic!!!

Oh, I almost forgot; and finally, the nasty American habit of using euphanisms, to sanitise their unpleasant habits of oppression and torture of prisoners - sorry, ' Battlefield combatants' and 'Insurgents'! I must use their terms correctly! Not forgetting their cool water sports activity of 'Waterboarding', (Water Torture to you and me). It sounds to me, so much jolly fun and entertainment, having water sports in the warm blue Caribbean waters off the 'resort' of Guantanamo Bay - sorry, prison or concentration camp!

A modified version of the Beach Boys song comes to mind, "We're all going Waterboarding.... In the USA!"

Plus there's 'Extraordinary Rendition', and 'Redaction' of documents. The list could go on and on....

Or maybe I have got it all wrong?!......

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