Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Another Tuesday, and another day at London City Airport.

Had some welcome time away from the computer and the 'blogging world'! Another Birthday has rolled past, and it makes me wonder where the year has gone?!
When you get past a certain age, Birthdays just seem to be a reminder of how much older you are getting, though naturally I try to make the best of the day, and usually go out for a meal and at least a few drinks as well!!

Another Tuesday, and typically unplanned and not predicted; having to do some plumbing in the afternoon, to a washing machine cold water isolation valve. Ended up wasting an afternoon trying to replace the broken plastic lever on it, finally having to remove the old valve which is beyond repair, and fitting a blanking plug in its place. At least no water leaks under the kitchen sink so far!!!! And the cold water can be turned on again.
So tomorrow will be another 'exciting' day? Having to get a replacement isolation valve from some where and then fitting it under the sink (without any new water leaks) - life can be so exciting and interesting sometimes? or maybe not!
Also trying to catch up with many other things that have been neglected due to being away this weekend.

As promised a long time ago, I will be adding some aviation related things, and talking about my experiences - I promise!! I know that there might be some people out there waiting extremely patiently?! for me to 'waffle' on about aircraft, airlines and my life with them - it will be all coming along soon......
At least last Friday and the weekend was better! After threatening to visit London City Airport (LCY) many times in the past this year, at last I made it on Friday! with some wonderful summer type weather, and took some really nice pictures there into the early evening, in the bright warm sun (for a change).

British Airways line up at LCY, with the brand
new A.318 Airbus awaiting more crew training flights for the day. The A.318 will be used on trans-Atlantic flights soon from LCY, via Ireland.
Quite a gamble for B.A. If there are enough wealthy customers around still in the City?!

Soon to disappear VLM Fokker 50, just about to land; and the airline to be taken over by City Jet. Yet another casualty of the economic recession to the benefit of City Jet!

Executive jet aircraft operations are one business that still seems to be booming! 
With this French Falcon 50ex rapidly speeding off into the warm evening sky - bound for Paris Le Bourget.

Finally, a typical sunny evening departure view from London City, with the stalwarts of the airport, the British Aerospace BAe.146's, which are now slowly coming to the end of their economic lives. This aircraft type made flying in passenger jet aircraft from this short runway airport, economically viable in the past.

An evening out in London as well!

Also made it out into town, for another nice belated Birthday evening meal for two on Saturday, at a restaurant near the Houses of Parliament in Westminster. A very nice evening out, and a walk along the South Bank by the Thames in the mild evening breeze.

Colourful illuminated evening view from Hungerford Bridge, looking towards the South Bank.

                               And not forgetting the Houses of Parliament by night, with the moon above!

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