Thursday, 17 September 2009

HTML Hell?

I wonder if any other Bloggers out there in the 'Blog World' experienced this yesterday morning?
When trying to type out yesterday's blog entry in the compose page, I noticed that strange things were happening with the post being published! The background went orange, with text going small and trying to be in at least two different fonts at the same time?! This led to a new unreadable odd font - most probably some people reading this blog at the time would think, "Thank goodness! I don't have to read this rambling rubbish anymore!!" 

Looking at the HTML text in the editor, and using my fleeting knowledge of HTML code, I could see that it was garbled and adding unwanted code instructions - Weird I thought..... I must have  offended the computer 'god' this time with my blog entries, or is there a 'ghost in the machine?!'
I tried to re-type the blog, but with no success.

Anyway, after leaving the computer for some time, when I returned in the afternoon and had to type the blog yet again! this time everything was normal and the latest post was published normally, though I've had waste over an hour and a half to re-do the entry!

Such are the frustrations of computers and the digital world at times! Spooky isn't it?

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