Thursday, 10 September 2009

Robins and routines.

The usual routine of life this week, and nothing too exciting happening. I suppose that applies to most people in their working lives. Though a good way to break out of the routine is to do something creative, and that's what I hope to do!

I feed a robin in the garden most days, and he was around as usual today, making rustling sounds whilst 'lurking' in the vine branches above where I put the food out for the birds.  
It reminded me about a couple of months ago, when I was feeding two cheeky young robins, squabbling amongst each other in front of me, about who would get to the food first.
The 'pecking' order though, is the parent bird first, who chases away the two youngsters! Has his fill of the food, and then allows the two 'argumentative' youngsters to feed next. Once they decide who is next!

They were fluffy scruffy looking 'balls' of brown and cream feathers! with the adult feathers just starting to grow though, and amazingly curious about things and myself.

One even stood still long enough, for me to take a picture of the juvenile bird!

Just hope that they make it through to next year.

Note: No mobile 'phone cameras were abused (used) in the making of this blog!

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