Friday, 19 February 2010

Victoria and Albert Museum exhibition visit.

It's been a while since I've visited the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. It has been undergoing an extensive re-decoration and re-organisation for several years, and seems almost finished now. A few weeks ago, I decided to return and see an exhibition there.

Whilst I was looking around, I noticed an art installation in the courtyard, from the Decode digital images exhibition.

The rectangular blocks comprise of large grids of white light emitting diodes, which put together, produce images seen by the tiny integral video cameras.

A close up, shows the interesting effects produced by the installation, also reflected in the water.

I did want to visit the Metropolitan Police exhibition of forged valuable art works, but the queues went on for ages, and I didn't get the opportunity to visit the exhibition that day - it was just too popular!

When I eventually get the inspiration, if there is still anyone interested out there?! I will try to put together the next episode of "B.A. or my Life?!"....

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