Then the next public relations fiasco after reeling out the minister 'clones', all saying how human and concerned 'Big Brother Gordon' really is, despite his dour control obsessive, robotic like public image; was the attack on the Chancellor of the Exchequer, after stating the plainly obvious, that we were in the worst economic mess for 60 years!

As for the opposition waiting for government?! 'Chameleon Cameron' still busy going around in ever increasing 'U turns' over Conservative economic policies, about swingeing budget cuts, and not wanting to scare the average 'Joe Public' too much. Then the childish squabbles in Parliament, trying to make the "Bully" name calling smear stick to "Our Leader Gordon", with the house erupting into a 'zoo like' shouting and name calling match, which makes the public respect M.P's even less.

I know the start of the pre-election silly season is here, but it all just makes you want to weep with frustration at times, at the stupidity of politicians and Parliament these days. Could you really vote for this lot of dishonest money grabbing crooks at the next General Election?!
David Cameron suddenly realising the big flaws in Conservative policies!
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