Monday, 5 October 2009

Winter around the corner.

You know that winter is around the corner, when the central heating system has to be checked and then serviced on a cold day. Yesterday I had to service my central heating, when I found that the water pressure was low on the boiler gauge. Had to do the usual 'top up' the system procedure. 

As usual, I had to bleed the excess air out in my bedroom radiator, after a long spell of not being used - why does it always seem to be the same radiator most of the time? noticing the black, not very nice looking, rusty smelling stuff that was coming out of the radiator drain valve, and into the plastic bowl, with the excess air also coming out under pressure.
When all the air had gone, and cleaner looking water was coming out of the radiator, it was time to shut the valve off, and tighten it up. Then clean up the dirty coloured drips of water that had bypassed the bowl, and onto the carpet.

Afterwards switch on the central heating! Look, no leaks, and the radiators all warmed up quite quickly, with the boiler system pressure gauge holding up. So success! and hopefully a warm house during the winter? We'll see!

Another pre- winter chore done, and yes, the first instalment of "B.A. or my Life?!...." is almost ready for publishing on the blog. Still a bit more typing to do. It will be definitely coming along soon.........
Hope that it's worth the wait?

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