Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Oh Dear! It's Party Political Conference time again.

I know that it's 'yawn a minute' time at the moment, regarding politics, but I'm sure that there's some Blog readers out there who follow the current news sometimes.

It's that time of year where the main U.K. political parties try their best to look ridiculous, or 'bore the pants' off all but the most die hard and committed political party supporters.
In the past, they have ranged from ludicrous Conservative style 'Nazi party' rallies; to a 'Stalinist style' Labour 'squeaky clean' stage managed 'peoples democratic committee' meeting, where elderly party supporters in Brighton can be arrested under the police state 'Prevention of Terrorism Acts' for wearing the wrong type of T shirt!!! Truth can actually be stranger than fiction!

Yes, I know that some people should be arrested for fashion crimes, with some of the naff T shirt and tracksuit designs that can be seen around! but it goes to show how stupid politics has, or is becoming.

It's funny that a couple of years ago, all three political parties were in a public spending bidding match, seeing who would spend the most money on pubic spending, without any mention of how it was going all going to be funded, and no mention of tax rises! A scene a bit like supermarket price cutting wars.
And yet now, it's all changed to spending cuts and large tax rises for the average person.

Starting off the party season, was the Liberal Democrats who were 'all at sea' with their economic policies, with also no consultation with their party members concerning new policy decisions; when Vince Cable 'absent mindedly professor style' announced the new tax on £1 million pound home sales.

With party leader Nick Clegg looking foolish trying to defend the 'back of a fag packet' calculated tax policy. "That's another fine mess you've got me into!"

What they don't seem to realise is that a large number of homes in Central London and other large cities are priced at £1 million plus, because of stupid long term government low interest rate policies, which caused the housing price speculation problem in the first place!
They  looked even more foolish when they had to retract their defence of the new flawed tax policies! More like "A fresh muddle for Britain!"

At the Labour Party conference, like a bunch of 'Chumps'; it descended into a bit of a farce, with the beleaguered and tired looking P.M. Gordon Brown (a bit like his policies) was doing an impression of a horizontal bungee jumper! when he tried to storm out of a  BBC T.V. interview, after being asked some awkward questions, whilst forgetting that he was still attached to a microphone lead!

His haggard and crumpled look at times, almost makes you feel sorry for him? - or maybe not!

With his list of unfunded 'wish list' public spending priorities that will make us go bankrupt even faster, throwing more taxpayers money down a bottomless black hole of public spending. And also admitting to the 'C' world! The political swear sword of 'Cuts', and how they would have to make them despite all their spending promises. How stupid do these politicians think we are?!

Also Peter Mandelson, Lord of all the government departments he can see, was also caught out by another four letter 'C' word as well, during the conference, after apparently swearing at a woman News International executive on the 'phone; when the Sun 'tabloid rag' newspaper made its announcement about changing political allegiances.

Being evasive and slippery when interviewed about this, he said that he used the word "Chump" rather than "C---t". So who's a right "Chump" then?! 

And finally, the party season ends with the 'Tory Taxing Toffs', who appear to offer nothing much else but tax rises and tightening of belts. A bit like a Churchill speech during the war, with "Blood, Sweat, Toil and Tears", but without the great oratory and leadership! We seemed to have entered into a 'financial World War' now, according to the Conservatives, and you can be sure that they will look after their own kind, with their policies! 

'Chameleon Cameron' the Conservative party leader, changes political party policies, as quickly as opinion polls change. One minute he's red, and copying New Labour, then he's green with environmental policies, and the next he's turned true Tory Blue! with tired old right wing policies.

The party will be over soon - thank goodness! Everyone will just have to nurse their 'financial hangovers' now. And will the last person leaving, please turn the lights off in Britain! Before the predicted power cuts and shortages start.

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