Sunday, 3 November 2013

Playing with a camcorder, videos, and all that!

Previously I used my digital camera in 'movie mode' to make the occasional videos, but the image quality of these videos wasn't so good. Noting that technology has moved on a bit, last month I decided to invest in a cheap second hand camcorder, after looking around on ebay.
It took a while looking at specifications and prices, before I found the type of camcorder functions that I wanted, at the right price! It looked like camcorders made after 2008 had the right resolution and picture quality, with also some useful filming functions. Sony were way too expensive, even obsolete technology ones. Panasonic looked good, but were also too expensive for my purposes, so I decided on JVC, as they were a good compromise on image quality and price. The Everio series looked promising, and eventually I got a used GZ-MG465BEK for £49.

The JVC was quite easy to use, also being one of the last models in the range to have an integral Hard Disk Drive, with the option to use Micro SD cards. It's small and light, and can fit in the palm of your hand.

So after a bit of playing around, here's one of my early video efforts:

I also caught up with making a couple of videos of my folding electric bike at last, only three years later after I had finished the bike project!

Here's the folding electric bike videos:         Part 1.

                                                                      And Part 2.

The bike videos are for a 250 watt motor, 36v lithium ion battery powered, aluminium alloy framed electric bike. For the three years I have had the bike, it has run very well, covering several hundred miles now without any problems.
I must remember to make a video eventually about how to charge up the lithium ion battery packs used with the bike!

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