Wednesday, 23 January 2013

A New Year and new blog entry.

I hope any readers out there have a Happy and successful new year. Another year has flown by, and it's about time that I added another entry to this old blog.

It's been a proper winter here in London for a change, with heavy snow last Friday, and some on Sunday also. Enough snow and hard frosts to cause the typical chaos and flight delays, at the overcrowded Heathrow airport. The flight cancellations and delays went on for several days, and things only started getting back to normal yesterday.

Here's a couple of pictures taken of the snow at home, with a bit of a blizzard on Friday.

With this cold weather, it's made the inside of my unheated garage like a freezer! So I have to wait until it gets a bit warmer, before I can venture into it, and continue the work on my latest venture - restoring my newly acquired Mobylette AV89.

Maybe more posts to come? Just wait and see!!


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