Wednesday, 8 February 2012

A new post for 2012! And more experiments.

At last I have a bit of time to 'fritter' away pointlessly on my blog, for a change!

It's been some time since my last entry, but I thought that I would keep you all posted with what has happened with my diesel motorbike. It's nick named "Old Clunker" for various reasons, with a cartoon image as well, which I have made into stickers.

It's been in 'hibernation' since the 23rd of December, but up to then I had been regularly riding my 1971 Diesel Royal Enfield, on the latest vegetable oil blend, which was supposed to be a bit cheaper to produce, but didn't work so well. The engine just about idled well enough to ride it to my nearest petrol (gas) station, and fill the tank up with 1 gallon (4.54 litres) of diesel. After that, the motorbike has been running really well, so the latest 'vegefuel' blend works with a 1 to 1 ratio with diesel, which I suppose is better than nothing!
I've run the motorbike on this blend for just over 100 miles, with about another 50 to do, before I have used up the 1 gallon of this current blend.
Then when the weather gets a bit better and warmer (after this recent snow!), I hope to test out my final, and hopefully successful 'vegefuel' blend - without having to add some diesel this time, I hope?!     

If you are interested in finding out more about the alternative, strange and colourful world of diesel motorbikes, you can click on these two links.

You'll certainly be surprised! Looking at these sites, convinced me to get into diesel motorbikes, since I was already into the 'alternative world' of motorbikes!  

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