Tuesday, 29 June 2010

It's raining - time to add another entry to the Blog. Or England World Cup Failure....

As it's raining this morning, since the weather forecasters changed their forecast yet again! I have decided to use the time to share a few more musings that come to mind.

In the blazing London heat last week, I moved the scaffold and re-assembled it in it's final permutation, precarious looking, perched on top of the propped up porch roof, which is also in need of repair!

Luckily it's all holding up, after some safety testing first; and here's a couple of pictures of the trusty scaffold, before it all got very messy with sanding and stripping down paint! 

My daily view looking down, with a bucket full of tools ready to hand.

Even though I dislike modern marketed football intensively, I thought that I had to add a few comments about the stupidity of it all.

Last Sunday on yet another very hot afternoon, whilst I was doing more something productive - stripping paint off the outside of the window frame, when the 'infamous' match was going on; I could hear the typical football yob four letter expletives, being shouted out from houses through open windows in the street, and even the longer 'intellectual' expletive of "W---ers" (not Winners!) as England stumbled through their football game. As there were more shouts of despair and derision, rather than cheers, I knew that England were losing as usual!!!
With all the recriminations afterwards, it completely confirms my view that footballers are overpaid, pampered primadonnas more interested in counting the money they earn per minute, rather than playing properly for their country, and actually being paid by performance for a change. Just shows how useless British football is in comparison with the rest of the world, and how we pay and treat footballers, as if they are world cup champions all the time!

In this country we seemed to be obsessed with awarding huge amounts of money to some people for failure, rather than performance; whether it's in politics, business, banking or sport and even football managers. It's all the same, the average person pays dearly for incompetence! And these idiots at the top keep talking up their jobs and pay, despite being plainly useless! 

In the Sunday sultry heat after the match, everything went quiet, just like on a traditional Sunday in the past, with maybe the nation 'mourning' and in shock?! The silence being broken by my electric sander, as I continued on with working on the wooden frame, removing the last stubborn bits of old flaking paint.

It was interesting to note yesterday, that all the England flags displayed locally had disappeared off houses and cars, and even the local supermarket had taken most of the excessive number of England flags and decorations down!

Just about sums up the excess of the England football marketing hype, as most of the flags and decorations are most probably made in China! Which makes it look even more ludicrous! At least the Chinese made some money from manufacturing all the World Cup tat! So there is a positive side to things.

With the twit 'Boris the Mayor' sporting an England flag looking like a table cloth, we didn't stand a chance!
                                                            With thanks to Rex Features for the picture.

On the news this morning, I heard that the England football team 'skulked in' to Heathrow airport early in the morning on a chartered aircraft, in the London rain, and greyer skies than their ugly looking Marks and Spencer uniforms; cowardly avoiding the negative attentions of the press, as they passed through the restricted access low key VIP suite terminal, so their arrival would be hidden as much as possible from the reporters and public, wanting revenge and their blood!
(metaphorically speaking). To be minibussed to their various destinations home, swiftly after arrival, by a fleet of awaiting vehicles.
All stage managed image damage limitation as we come to expect these days, with unpopular visitors to the U.K.!!!

                                                                                                                 With thanks to Steve Parsons/PA for the topical picture.

There, that's my rant over about the stupidity of British football! And my ironic view of it all. I'm sure that you're thinking, "Thank goodness! that's the end of all that".

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