Friday, 30 April 2010

It's Mobile Phone madness!

For anybody still out there in the quiet almost deserted backwater of the Blogosophere?! In possibly one the last of my current musings and comments about this mad world and way of life.

Recently whilst on one bus journey travelling into central London, I noticed two 'suicidal' mobile phone users! caught up in their crazy insular mobile phone world - maybe isolated from reality and the real world and its people.

The first one was a man, walking out from the traffic lights, whilst they were still green for the road traffic, towards the front of the bus. Luckily the bus driver was driving slowly, and at the last second, the obsessive phone user looked up from the tiny display screen and noticed the vast bulk of the rapidly approaching bus! then decided to make a quick retreat.

The second incident within minutes, was a woman walking out from the pavement into the traffic, whilst fixated pressing the keys rapidly in succession, and not even noticing the oncoming traffic, with it's potentially fatal consequences for even her mobile phone! This time the bus driver had to give a loud blast on the horn, and must have been feeling just a bit fed up now of pedestrian's antics!
She jumped back suddenly to the side of the road, after being 'snapped out' of the all encompassing mobile phone trance, and decided that she valued her life more than apparently continuing on with texting!

You wouldn't want to argue with a London
double decker bus, would you?

Why do people shut out the real world and other people, whilst using these often annoying electronic gadgets, whilst also irradiating the brain with ultra high frequency penetrating radio waves?

It's also surprising that not many more people are killed and seriously injured on the streets and roads, whilst engrossed with the dreaded phone. Must be luck?!

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