Saturday, 26 December 2009

Busy at Kilmorey Mausoleum - for a change!

I hope you have all had a good Christmas, and wish you a Happy New Year, whatever you get up to!

I thought that I would get a few more entries in my blog, before the New Year, and at last I have got a bit of free time to spare.

I don't believe it! I actually made it to the Mausoleum about a week ago, and the weather actually allowed me to get some work done on Saturday and last Tuesday.
There was quite a lot of outstanding work to be done, and I spent the two days clearing up many wheel barrow loads of leaves off the paths, and 'feeding' the large composter to just over three quarters full now.

Have also left a large mound of leaves by the leaf composter, and I wonder if it will all fit in?
As usual three robins kept me company, by following me around the Mausoleum grounds, cleverly picking up the small worms and insects disturbed as I was leaf raking.


Also the meadow in front of the Mausoleum is undergoing management, and will soon be in the process of replanting in places. And the local foxes have been doing their best to dig up and excavate parts of the meadow as well!

A blue tarpaulin has been fitted to the Mausoleum roof, covering up a leaking skylight, and just about managed to stay on, despite the recent gales we have been having, though some bricks on the tarpaulin did get blown off! hopefully a permanent skylight repair will be carried out this time - eventually? I've updated the Kilmorey website, and more information can be found by visiting it.

So it has been a busy couple of days for me, and I felt quite weary after the cycle home, but it's
good physical exercise, and more fulfilling than a workout at the local gym! 

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