Thursday, 12 August 2010

Back to the Blog. Or back to sanity?

For you occasional readers out there...... Didn't get a chance or the enthusiasm and energy, to type an entry for last month in the extremes of weather, whilst I was working.
After a long absence, I've finally returned from the desolate, seemingly never ending world of house DIY! Almost driving me mad at times, with the amount of repair work to be done.
Anyway hopefully back to normal now, and when I get some  spare time, I hope to find some more 'inspiration' to add to the Blog.

Finally, It's amazing how time flies by, as I just remembered that I had to take my motorbike for it's annual MOT test again.
The recession appears to be biting yet again, as I was the only one there with my motorbike at the small garage this morning. And chatting to the MOT tester, found out that that business was right down this year, and the garage was just about surviving financially with some motorbike and scooter repairs and servicing. As usual my motorbike passed without any problems, and the tester after a brief interlude, relieved me of £29, informing me that it's government policy to put up the testing fee every year!
Hope the vintage looking garage is still around next year, and for more years to come!