Sunday, 16 May 2010

First open day this year at the Kilmorey Mausoleum.

At last I have got a little bit of spare time, and a modicum of enthusiasm at the moment; to add another Blog entry about the Open Day two weekends ago, for the local St. Margaret's residents, at the Kilmorey Mausoleum.

After a lot of hard work over last winter, the gardens are looking good.

It surprised us that 198 people turned up on the day, which started out quite sunny, but descended into typical Bank holiday cool grey skies weather in the afternoon, with rain arriving later in the evening. 

I was in charge of the wood burning Kelly Kettles this time, which provide hot water for the Eco Teas stall area, where also some nice home made cakes were provided!

Views around the woodland area in the dappled sunlight, whilst we still had it!

As it was an open day, the Mausoleum was open to view inside.

With the heavy door open, the shining skylights can be seen.

To find out more, see the Kilmorey Mausoleum website link.

It was a long day for all the volunteers concerned, and we eventually got to pack everything up at about 5.30 p.m. In the gloomy, cold, rain threatening evening skies! Though a good time was had by all involved that day.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Yawn! It's that General Election time again....

Since everyone is getting bored by now of the excessive general election media coverage, and the American style managed TV debates; I thought that I had to make a note of the event, and would add a brief comment.
It could be a major turning point in our failing 'First past the Post' system, which puts political parties into power with the minority of the total vote, and might get changed now - or end up in a '70's style hung parliament mess. Most likely the latter.

The usual bunch of unelectables standing for power, putting forward the incomprehensible policies to most people, with fundamentally flawed manifestos, if you look too closely at them!

Whatever they say or do, the country lurches from one crisis to another, and whatever happens, you end up paying more taxes - direct or indirect for the privilege of it all! 

I'll be glad when it's all over tomorrow! Just wonder what the real cost will be?