Thursday, 26 November 2009

Unexpected Oxford Street views.

You can see some unusual things in London, and Oxford Street at times! I thought that I would share a couple of things that I saw recently.

About a couple of months ago, I saw a giant Fiat 500 model for one day only; about the size of a two storey house, from the window of a double decker bus I was travelling on.
For a publicity stunt, it was placed on a building site near the Marble Arch end of Oxford St.  P.R. executives think up some strange things!

On another occasion, the traffic in Oxford St. was held up by cavalry for a change! - Royal Dragoons I think. Makes a change from the convoys of buses jams!

You never quite know what to expect in Oxford Street....

The next part of "B.A. or my Life?!" will be coming soon, or even eventually!! - Part 2 "The Interview".

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Return form the real world 'wilderness' - and the end of the DIY decorating hell!

Yes, I'm sure that some of you out there, must of almost given up of seeing any more of my blog entries by now!

After being exiled from the 'electronic world' for most of the time, by the real world 'Do It Yourself Hell' of trying to repaint and repair the back of my house, in some of the most unpleasant weather I have experienced in October and November; finally today, I have just about finished, putting the scaffold tower away, and tidying up things in the gusting strong breeze this morning.

Just have to finish painting the garden side door - yet another job to do that was noticed last week, when moving the scaffold tower to the final position.

So five weeks later to the day, the job is done - only five times longer than expected!!! Due to many unexpected and sometimes difficult repairs encountered. Such as having to completely replace the kitchen doorstep, and rebuild the bottom of the surrounding door frame, whilst in the middle of repairing one of the bedroom windows!

At least it's all done now - eventually, and the front of the house is now waiting for it's turn sometime next year?!

Also a good excuse for being lazy and too tired in the evenings, after a day's work of decorating, to 'slave' away at the blog?!